
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pictures Before My Camera Was Stolen

Some of my students after school
I am still not sure how this Anteater ended up in La Boquilla

Beer cans hanging from a wire infront of one of the schools I work at

Some pigs I saw when I was leaving school one day

The road I take to get to my schools 

Just some pants and an animal carcass out to dry 

School assembly 

Some  of my 4th graders hard at work

Helped on translating the school slogan into English

Teaching my 3rd grade the days of the week in tune to the Adam's Family theme.

There's Monday and there's Tuesday
There's Wednesday and there's Thursday
There's Friday and there's Saturday
And then there's Sunday
Days of the Week (X2 with snaps)
Days of the week (X3 with snaps at the end)


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